Map Bjonrholm mit neuer BGA

  • Ok sorry
    Hier ist es

    GIANTS Engine Runtime 6.0.2 64bit (Build Date: Oct 28 2014)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2014, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
    Application: FarmingSimulator2015
    Main System
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4000M CPU @ 2.40GHz
    Memory: 8112 MB
    OS: Windows NT 6.2 64-bit
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.4
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick disabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Sound System
    Driver: OpenAL
    Version: 1.1
    Device: Generic Software
    Max. sources: 256
    Render System
    Driver: Direct 3D 9.0c
    Card Vendor: Intel Corporation
    Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Hardware Profile
    Level: Low (auto)
    View Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Shadow Quality: 0.000000
    Skip Mipmaps: 1
    LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.500000
    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 0.500000
    Farming Simulator 15
    Version: RC12
    Available Languages: de
    Language: de
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Mod directory: C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Ambient Occlusion'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod AnimationMapTrigger
    Load mod: A_HardPointExtension
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod A_HardPointExtension
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Bergziege_Prototyp_2_Original_Interior (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: BjornholmNewBGA
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Building Parts'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Entpacken-'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: Fliegl_Crusher_Beta
    Load mod: FS15_ReformMetrac
    Load mod: GafnerSeitenstreuerModul
    Load mod: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter
    Error: Invalid mod name 'HOW TO CHANGE CONTROLS'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'HOW TO SET Butt N Top OUTRIGGERS'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: Kirchner
    Load mod: Kirchner_5000
    Load mod: komat
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//komat/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod komat
    Load mod: KroneUltimaCF155XC
    Load mod: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Muss in den Mod-Ordner'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Optional Unkrautmod'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Optionale Mods'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: ReformKipper
    Load mod: ReformLadewagen
    Load mod: ReformMULI45
    Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtHinten in ReformMULI45
    Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtVorne in ReformMULI45
    Load mod: ReformMULIT10X
    Warning: Missing l10n for button AllradSameHurliLambo in ReformMULIT10X
    Warning: Missing l10n for button handbrake in ReformMULIT10X
    Load mod: Reform_Feinstreuer_Modul
    Load mod: Reform_Ladewagen
    Load mod: Reform_MULI_550
    Load mod: Reform_SaatgutDuenger_Modul
    Load mod: Reform_Transportmodul
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Rhotal (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: SkidsteerFreakPack
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod SkidsteerFreakPack
    Load mod: sound
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//sound/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod sound
    Load mod: stationaryCutter_placeable
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod stationaryCutter_placeable
    Load mod: Textures
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Textures/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Textures
    Load mod: Tractor_SteyrMulti4115_V3byBuzzard
    Load mod: TwoRivers_LS15_Modpack_entpacken
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_Modpack_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod TwoRivers_LS15_Modpack_entpacken
    Load mod: zunhammer28750PE
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod zunhammer28750PE
    Register vehicle type: Fliegl_Crusher_Beta.Fliegl_Crusher
    Register vehicle type: FS15_ReformMetrac.metrac
    Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
    register joint type: HookJoint
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.agrolinerITS26
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKL_Container
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKLH_Container
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKLP_Container
    Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.KroneUltimaCF155XC
    Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.netRolePallet
    Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.PalletFoilCartons
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.MANTGSForst
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTMKForst
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTRSForst
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTRSTForst
    Register vehicle type: ReformLadewagen.ReformLadewagen
    Register vehicle type: ReformMULI45.R2
    Register vehicle type: ReformMULIT10X.Reform
    Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
    Register vehicle type: Tractor_SteyrMulti4115_V3byBuzzard.buzzard
    data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (268.14 ms)
    data/sky/rain.i3d (77.59 ms)
    data/sky/hail.i3d (48.85 ms)
    data/sky/dust.i3d (47.71 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//BjornholmNewBGA/map/map01.i3d (71105.50 ms)
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasStation_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasPump_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'atm'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'atmLit'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gardenWallEnd'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gardenWallShort'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gardenWall'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding01_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding02_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding03_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding04_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding05_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding06_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding07_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding08_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding09_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding10_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageBuilding11_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier03'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier04'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier05'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier06'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier07'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier08'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier09'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier10'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier11'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier12'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pier13'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pierBox'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gardenFence'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gardenFenceShort'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gardenFenceEnd'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround03'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround03_grass'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround04'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround04AsphaltShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround04RockShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround05'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround05Asphalt'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround05Dirt'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround05Grass'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround06'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround06RockShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround06AsphaltShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround07'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'rockGarageDoor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'villageGround08Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence03'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence03End'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence03Short'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence01End'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence01Short'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'picnicTableShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence04'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence04End'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'commonStreetLamp'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'decoStreetLamp'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'logCabin_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'plankTable'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'planterBoxSquare'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'clotheslineDoubleShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'clotheslineDoubleClothesShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sailboatCovered'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sailboatMast'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hayloftDoorLeft'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hayloftDoorRight'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hayloft_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'phoneBoothShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'rockCliff01Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'streamRock01Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lighthouse'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'storageBarn02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'bufferStopShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'railroadSingleFar'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'railwayTunnel'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'shed01_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lumbermillFloor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lumbermill_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sawmill02Floor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sawmill02_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sawmill01Floor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sawmill01_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'sawmillRollers_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'saw_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'boilerHouse_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lumberRack02_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lumberRack01_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'storehouse_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hallDoor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hall_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hallStage'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'railroadGround'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'railroadDoubleCustom01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'railroadDoubleCustom02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'boardStack'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'boards'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'logFountainShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'logStackSmall'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'logStackLarge'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'scatteredRocks01Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'logDump_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'conveyor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'conveyorBelt'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cafeTableShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cafeChairShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmResidence'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmResidenceFloor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'barrelSauna_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hayloftBridge'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hayloftFloor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'shed02_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'storageBarn01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'unloadPitFarmGround_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'well_lod0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'watertankBigShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'seedPallets_colShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fertilizerSacksShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fertilizerSackBigShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'chickenCoop'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence03'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'rock01Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'rock03Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lodShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmSiloSystem_colShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'smallBuilding0Shape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'smallBuilding0Shape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'smallBuilding0Shape3'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'dairyPlant_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'dairyPlantRoof'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'dairySilosAlpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'dairySilos_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'dairyWalls'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'barrier'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'garageShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'garageRoofShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence02End'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'weighbridge_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'weightDisplayShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'unloadPit_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'outlook_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'campingTentShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'grainElevator_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'rockCliff02Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'inn'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'smallWaterTowerShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'portLamp|polySurfaceShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'scatteredRocks02Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hotelAlpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hotelFloor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hotelRailing_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hotel_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hotelPier'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fireplace_02Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'woodenBridge5m'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'rock02Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'waterfallRockShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'shippingOffice_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'riverBridge'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pierShort'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'unloadPitStation_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'windmill_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'unloadPitMill_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'windmillBridge'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadsideDrainL'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadsideDrainR'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'grassHeap'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'barn01Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'garageLargeShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'garageLargeRoofShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmEquipmentSupplier_lod0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmEquipmentSupplierRoofShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'receptionistDeskShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'receptionTableShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'armChairShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'floorLampShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'plantPotShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'entranceDoorLeftShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'entranceDoorLeftWindowShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'entranceDoorRightShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'entranceDoorRightWindowShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'windowsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'adFlagDeutz'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fesGroundShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fesGroundRockShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cowStable_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cowStableGate'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'slattedFloor'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silageCatcherShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'siloWallsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'towerSubstation1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cowBrush'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'brush'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'americanBarn02_LOD1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'staveSilo_higher_LOD01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'staveSilo_higher_alpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'staveSilo_lower_LOD01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'staveSilo_lower_alpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'unloadPitNE_col'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'storageBuilding_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'circusTentAlpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'circusTent_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'whiteTent'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fence04_broken'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'campingTrailer_visShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'whiteTentOpen'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'umbrellaShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'umbrellaClothesShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'planterBoxRound'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'trainStationBase_LOD0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'trainStationDetails_LOD0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hangar02_visShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hangar02_lodShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasPumpBase'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'freightYard'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'freightYardDetails'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'smallWoodPile'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fireplace'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'woodBench'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'woodPile'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'parkBench'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmSilo_lod0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmSiloAlphaShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmSiloLong_lod0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmSiloLongAlphaShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'greenhouse'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassPaneE'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassPaneN'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassPaneS'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassPaneW'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassRoofE'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassRoofW'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'glassRoof'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'greenhousePlanter'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'waterTrough'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'polySurfaceShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'palletStack_lod0'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'industrialFenceEnd'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'industrialFenceShort'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'industrialFenceShortAlpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'industrialFence'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'industrialFenceAlpha'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'bhpPit'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'bhpGround'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'bhp'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'feedingTroughCowsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'unitCube'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'feedingTroughCowShedShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'collisionMeshShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cowManureHeap_colShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'liquidManureTankShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'manurePitShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'pitColShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'milkrobotShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'milkrobotGroundShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'feedingTroughSheepShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'palletSpawnerGround'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad03'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad04'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad05'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad06'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad07'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mainRoad08'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing01'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing02'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing03'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing04'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing05'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing06'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing07'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing08'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'roadCrossing09'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'shoreVillageSidewalk'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'windmillBridgeSidewalk'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'circusRoad'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'farmRoad'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hotelRoad'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lumberyardRoad'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'jobBoard'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cargoBox01Stack'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'woodShed'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'electroBoxShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'repairTableShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'weldingDevice_lod0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'trolleyShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'carCreeper_lod0Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hayCart_lodShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'waterLog'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mapBoundaryShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mapBoundaryShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mapBoundaryShape3'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'mapBoundaryShape4'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'trainSendoff'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup1|fermenters|fermentersShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup1|fermenters|concrete|concreteShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'centerShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'center|inside|insideShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'center|inside|detail1|detail1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'center|inside|detail2|detail2Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'center|steps|stepsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup1|fence1|fence1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup2|fermenters|fermentersShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'wallsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'outsideShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'backShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup2|inside|insideShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup2|detail1|detail1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'fermenterGroup2|detail1|floor|floorShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'detailShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'containerShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'container|detail|detailShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lod1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hallShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'BGA|hall|hall|roof|roofShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'BGA|hall|hall|roof|roof|roofShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'inslideShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'inslide|detail1|detail1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'inslide|detail2|detail2Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'metalFloor1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'craneShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'crane|alpha1|alpha1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'weightCollisionShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'hydrantShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'systemsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'chillers|lod1|lodShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'BGA|hall|detail|detailShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'stairsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'stairsWallShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'stairs|floor|floorShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'stairs|steps|stepsShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'stairs|alpha1|alpha1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cargoBox01Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'electroBoxShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'crate03Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'picnicTableShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cableRollShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'parkBenchShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cargoBox01StackShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'palletStack2|palletStack_lod1|palletStack_lod1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'cableRoll2Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasTorchShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lightningArrester1Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lightningArresterShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lightningArresterShape3'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'lightningArrester4Shape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silos|walls|left|leftShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silos|walls|left|Detail1|DetailShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silos|walls|left|Detail2|DetailShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'middleShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'middle|Detail1|DetailShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'middle|Detail2|DetailShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silos|walls|right|rightShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silos|walls|right|Detail1|DetailShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'silos|walls|right|Detail2|DetailShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'tyreShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'tyreShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasCooler|lod0|coolerSlow|coolerSlowShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasCooler|lod0|coolerFast|coolerFastShape'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'alphaShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'gasCooler|lod1|lodShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'terrain|ground_part1|ground_partShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'terrain|ground_part2|ground_partShape2'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'terrain|ground_part3|ground_partShape3'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'terrain|ground_part4|ground_partShape4'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'terrain|fence1|fenceShape1'.
    Warning: Invalid triangle cooking data for 'terrain|fence2|fence2Shape'.
    data/vehicles/steerable/sampoRosenlew/sampoRosenlewC6.i3d (1016.05 ms)
    dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (677.44 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/sampoRosenlew/sampoRosenlewC6.i3d (248.04 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/huerlimann/huerlimannH488.i3d (480.96 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/brantner/brantnerE8041.i3d (174.90 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgroStar661.i3d (476.60 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (253.45 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (117.17 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB1000.i3d (118.88 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (319.02 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (21.05 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB700.i3d (47.64 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (429.51 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (36.02 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIHMagnum380.i3d (280.70 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB1600.i3d (23.41 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/bergmann/bergmannHTW65.i3d (405.63 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/krampe/krampeBBS900.i3d (284.81 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT8320.i3d (331.77 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzFahr7250.i3d (544.23 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/zunhammer/zunhammer18500PE.i3d (210.22 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/zunhammer/zunhammerZunidisc.i3d (337.91 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/zunhammer/zunhammerZunidisc.i3d (21.01 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/liebherr/liebherrL538.i3d (626.07 ms)
    data/vehicles/wheelLoaders/lizard/wheelLoaderShovel.i3d (94.54 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/krone/kroneBigX1100.i3d (467.20 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/krone/kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d (330.43 ms)
    dataS/character/player/playerCCT.i3d (8.21 ms)
    Warning: Character '179' not found in texture font (Baujahr 2003, 3 m).
    data/vehicles/steerable/cars/piQup.i3d (253.25 ms)

    Lg Ueli

  • Ok habe ich gemacht Danke und hier das neue Log
    Lg Ueli

    GIANTS Engine Runtime 6.0.2 64bit (Build Date: Oct 28 2014)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2014, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
    Application: FarmingSimulator2015
    Main System
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4000M CPU @ 2.40GHz
    Memory: 8112 MB
    OS: Windows NT 6.2 64-bit
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.4
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick disabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Sound System
    Driver: OpenAL
    Version: 1.1
    Device: Generic Software
    Max. sources: 256
    Render System
    Driver: Direct 3D 9.0c
    Card Vendor: Intel Corporation
    Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Hardware Profile
    Level: Low (auto)
    View Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Shadow Quality: 0.000000
    Skip Mipmaps: 1
    LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.500000
    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 0.500000
    Farming Simulator 15
    Version: RC12
    Available Languages: de
    Language: de
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Mod directory: C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Ambient Occlusion'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod AnimationMapTrigger
    Load mod: A_HardPointExtension
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod A_HardPointExtension
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Bergziege_Prototyp_2_Original_Interior (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: BjornholmNewBGA
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Building Parts'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: CararroTigrecar3800HST
    Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtHinten in CararroTigrecar3800HST
    Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtVorne in CararroTigrecar3800HST
    Warning: Missing l10n for button AllradSameHurliLambo in CararroTigrecar3800HST
    Warning: Missing l10n for button handbrake in CararroTigrecar3800HST
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Entpacken-'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: Fliegl_Crusher_Beta
    Load mod: FS15_ReformMetrac
    Load mod: GafnerSeitenstreuerModul
    Load mod: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter
    Error: Invalid mod name 'HOW TO CHANGE CONTROLS'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'HOW TO SET Butt N Top OUTRIGGERS'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: Kirchner
    Load mod: Kirchner_5000
    Load mod: komat
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//komat/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod komat
    Load mod: KroneUltimaCF155XC
    Load mod: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Muss in den Mod-Ordner'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Optional Unkrautmod'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Optionale Mods'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: ReformKipper
    Load mod: ReformLadewagen
    Load mod: ReformMetracH7X3B
    Load mod: ReformMULIT10X
    Load mod: ReformMULIT5
    Load mod: ReformMULIT6
    Load mod: ReformMULIT7S
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Rhotal (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: SkidsteerFreakPack
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod SkidsteerFreakPack
    Load mod: sound
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//sound/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod sound
    Load mod: stationaryCutter_placeable
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod stationaryCutter_placeable
    Error: Invalid mod name 'SuedtirolerBergwelten (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
    Load mod: Textures
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Textures/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Textures
    Load mod: TirolerAlpenwelt
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TirolerAlpenwelt/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod TirolerAlpenwelt
    Load mod: Tractor_SteyrMulti4115_V3byBuzzard
    Load mod: TwoRivers_LS15_Modpack_entpacken
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//TwoRivers_LS15_Modpack_entpacken/modDesc.xml'.
    Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod TwoRivers_LS15_Modpack_entpacken
    Load mod: zunhammer28750PE
    Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod zunhammer28750PE
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformMetracH7X3B/store'.
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformMULIT10X/store'.
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformMULIT5/store'.
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformMULIT6/store'.
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformMULIT7S/store'.
    Register vehicle type: CararroTigrecar3800HST.CararroTigrecar3800HST
    Register vehicle type: Fliegl_Crusher_Beta.Fliegl_Crusher
    Register vehicle type: FS15_ReformMetrac.metrac
    Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
    register joint type: HookJoint
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.agrolinerITS26
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKL_Container
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKLH_Container
    Register vehicle type: HKL_Pack_V2_by_Werkstattleiter.HKLP_Container
    Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.KroneUltimaCF155XC
    Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.netRolePallet
    Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.PalletFoilCartons
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.MANTGSForst
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTMKForst
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTRSForst
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack.FlieglTRSTForst
    Register vehicle type: ReformLadewagen.ReformLadewagen
    Register vehicle type: ReformMetracH7X3B.R2
    Register vehicle type: ReformMULIT10X.Reform
    Register vehicle type: ReformMULIT5.R2
    Register vehicle type: ReformMULIT6.R2
    Register vehicle type: ReformMULIT7S.R2
    Register vehicle type: Tractor_SteyrMulti4115_V3byBuzzard.buzzard
    data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (302.55 ms)
    data/sky/rain.i3d (76.35 ms)
    data/sky/hail.i3d (47.50 ms)
    data/sky/dust.i3d (22.44 ms)
    data/maps/map01.i3d (24446.37 ms)
    Disabled withering for: wheat, barley, rape, maize, sugarBeet
    data/vehicles/steerable/ponsse/ponsseScorpion.i3d (1643.32 ms)
    dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (667.67 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//MAN_TGS_33480_Forst_Pack/MAN_TGS_33480_Forst.i3d (2619.07 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformMULIT10X/Reform.i3d (4193.38 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_ReformMetrac/reformMetrac.i3d (2223.44 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GafnerSeitenstreuerModul/Gafner.i3d (523.21 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kirchner/Kirchner.i3d (386.74 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ReformLadewagen/ReformLadewagen.i3d (806.46 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnFC3525F.i3d (320.29 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT8320.i3d (400.99 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/KroneUltimaCF155XC.i3d (2271.66 ms)
    C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/bales/Bale130GrassWrap.i3d (75.61 ms)
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383309 in method name: setRigidBodyType.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/PhysicsObject.lua(51) : setRigidBodyType
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(107) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/Bale.lua(99) : setNodeId
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(1713) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/SpecializationUtil.lua(19) : f
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(580) : wrapperCreateBale
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1968) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(450) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(644) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1217) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1329) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383309 in method name: addToPhysics.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/PhysicsObject.lua(52) : addToPhysics
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(107) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/Bale.lua(99) : setNodeId
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(1713) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/SpecializationUtil.lua(19) : f
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(580) : wrapperCreateBale
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1968) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(450) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(644) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1217) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1329) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383309 in method name: getTranslation.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/PhysicsObject.lua(53) : getTranslation
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(107) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/Bale.lua(99) : setNodeId
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(1713) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/SpecializationUtil.lua(19) : f
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(580) : wrapperCreateBale
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1968) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(450) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(644) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1217) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1329) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383309 in method name: getRotation.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/PhysicsObject.lua(54) : getRotation
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(107) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/Bale.lua(99) : setNodeId
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(1713) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/SpecializationUtil.lua(19) : f
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(580) : wrapperCreateBale
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1968) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(450) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(644) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1217) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1329) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383309 in method name: getUserAttribute.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(110) : getUserAttribute
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/Bale.lua(99) : setNodeId
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(1713) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/SpecializationUtil.lua(19) : f
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(580) : wrapperCreateBale
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1968) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(450) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(644) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1217) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1329) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383309 in method name: getUserAttribute.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(114) : getUserAttribute
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/Bale.lua(99) : setNodeId
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(1713) : setNodeId
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/SpecializationUtil.lua(19) : f
    =C:/Users/Ueli/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//KroneUltimaCF155XC/specializations/Ultima.lua(580) : wrapperCreateBale
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1968) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(450) : loadFromAttributesAndNodes
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(644) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1217) : asyncCallbackFunction
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1329) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/objects/MountableObject.lua(114) : bad argument #1 to 'tonumber' (value expected)
    Direct3D Device Lost!
    Direct3D Device Lost!
    Direct3D Device Lost!
    Direct3D Device Lost!
    Application exit request forced.
    Application exit request forced.

  • Crouwler 26. April 2020 um 02:30

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.