Beiträge von VenoushCZ

    Wird sich drum gekümmert.


    I know it is a project closed long time ago.

    Quote from J4nnis

    Guten Tag , wir haben leider auch das Problem , dass das Pack auf dem DediServer nicht läuft mit diesem Fehler "Error: Running LUA method 'packetReceived'.dataS/scripts/vehicles/VehicleLowerImplementEvent.lua(58) : attempt to index field 'vehicle' (a nil value)"

    I have the same error on dedicated server. Have you found a solution or explanation for it?

    thank you very much :)


    There are no tire tracks when crossing the field on dedicated server. The strange thing is there are tire tracks if I drive double wheel vehicle like tractor or Bucher. The track comes from the additional tires only, not the original. It seems to me that the mechanism does actually exist in the dedicated server environment but for some reason it is not activated on other than the doubled wheels.

    Does anybody know something more about this behavior? ?(

    Thank you


    Krabix: Hi! I checked the DirtArea and it looks OK. It starts at one end of the building and ends at the other end. The width is OK too. But the dist only appears in the middle of this rectangle. What should I check exactly? The pig DistArea is OK so it has to be something wrong with cows.

    Please reply in german language if it is better for you.



    I'm running dedicated server and HB Reloaded.

    There is a problem in the cow or pig husbandry with the placing of the manure. It is situated only exactly in the middle of the manure area in one row.

    When playing the same setup (mods, map, save game) in the singleplayer, the manure is spread correctly on the whole area.

    Is it a known bug? I tested it in the and version.



    can anybody help me with change a possition of pigs in husbanry . i change a possition of husbandry but pigs in cattle stay in old place and i cant find it in GE . please help me to do this thanks krabix


    Try this tutorial:

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