Brauche Hilfe beim Einbau des more realistic Mods

  • *** 0 MoreRealistic - WARNING - RealisticGlobalListener.setMissionInfos - fruitType not found in RealisticUtils : POTATOALTERNATIVE - seedPricePerLiter defined by default to : 0.29
    *** 0 MoreRealistic - WARNING - RealisticGlobalListener.setMissionInfos - fruitType not found in RealisticUtils : sudangrass - seedPricePerLiter defined by default to : 0.9
    *** 0 MoreRealistic - WARNING - RealisticGlobalListener.setMissionInfos - fruitType not found in RealisticUtils : triticale - seedPricePerLiter defined by default to : 0.9
    *** 0 MoreRealistic - WARNING - RealisticGlobalListener.setMissionInfos - fruitType not found in RealisticUtils : RUEBENALTERNATIVE - seedPricePerLiter defined by default to : 0.29
    *** 0 MoreRealistic - WARNING - RealisticGlobalListener.setMissionInfos - fruitType not found in RealisticUtils : mais - seedPricePerLiter defined by default to : 0.9

  • Crouwler 26. April 2020 um 02:14

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.